Earlier this summer, we received a Community Development mini-grant from Co.Act Detroit and CDAD, with funding from the McGregor Fund and the Hudson-Webber Foundation!
We’ve been using these funds to directly support our partnership between DSC’s Team Blue Bird and The Cardinal Foundation, to continue the food distribution program to homebound senior neighborhood residents in the Old West Side.
This existing food distribution program is spearheaded by The Cardinal Foundation, operating on a weekly basis to serve healthy and complete meals to homebound seniors. Coordinated (and cooked!) by Foundation chair Ron Cannon, the program has been functioning through the pandemic to serve a network of seniors in the Tireman Neighborhood.
We expect to serve over 700 meals over the course of the summer!
In the future, The Blue Bird Inn at 5021 Tireman Ave will serve and strengthen Detroit’s Old West Side and improve quality of life for community members by placekeeping and activating a historically rich cultural asset and community resource allowing it to become, once again, a place where residents can safely come together, connect, learn, and de-stress.
To support the program further: please visit detroitsound.org/give to give your donation today!