We are proud to announce that our Executive Director Dr. Carleton Gholz will be traveling to Wollongong, Australia this fall to participate in “Sounds of our Town.” “Sounds of our Town” will explore the role of popular music heritage in the revitalization of cities that have experienced industrial decline. Featuring panelists involved in popular music […]
Restaging the Stage

We are currently hard at work “restaging” the Blue Bird stage for transport to Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Etienne 2017. Here are some recent photos of our process. Read more about our work with the Blue Bird Inn since 2012 here.
Paris est une fête: Editorial

Alia Benabdellah, music scholar, volunteer, and Paris-native, shares her thoughts on the attacks of November 15, 2015 in Paris.
Detroit: A Parisian Perspective

Alia Benabdellah, music scholar, DSC volunteer, and Parisian, discusses the reception of Detroit from a French perspective.